Student Solutions

Southlake, Texas


Brand Identity


Student Solutions contacted The Lanyap Group with the goal of having a unified brand identity and website. When we sat down for our discovery calls, our team really went to task on bringing together not only an amazing brand, but also one that is consistent with the style of Student Solutions.

Brand Identity

Ann DeVille is a question asker, information gatherer, and fashionista. Her style radiates from her so we wanted to develop a brand that not only played to her personal feel, but was also grounded enough to feel warm and inviting to families in times of crisis.

The font choice is approachable yet modern, and the icon is actually a piece of her favorite set of earrings. Our goal was for there to be no drop-off between meeting Ann, learning more about her, and engaging with her online presence.

Icon & Colors

Bright, bold, and over-the-top. Those are three of our favorite ways to describe Ann’s style, so we chose colors that exude personality.



Cerise Red




Curious Blue



From day one, Ann told us that she hated regular business cards. She wanted something that people couldn’t just throw in a stack and forget about.


We used the Cerise Red and Kournikova colors extensively when designing her collateral and pull out her brand icon whenever possible.  


The Student Solutions website is all about functionality and ease-of-use. Our aim was to simplify the amount of steps taken to contact Ann, get help, or request more information. We also utilized lots of pop photography against black and white backgrounds to continue with the focus on color and personality.

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